ESMS School Leadership Team (SLT)

The SLT is a group of parents, teachers and administration that meets monthly to discuss school goals and community priorities. Monthly SLT meetings are open to all.

2024-2025 School Leadership Team Members

Elected Parents Elected Teachers Automatic Members

Regina DeVita

Natasha Lambropoulos

Michelle Liu-Watts

Robin Reiter

Emilie Fure

Lillian Grippo

Melissa Nathan (UFT Rep)

Principal - Jesse Kupferman

Asst Principal - Amanda Hyman

PTA (Co-)President - Susie Gould


New York State Education Law Section 2590-h requires every New York City Public School to have a School Leadership Team, a body of elected parents and staff which, functioning in a collaborative manner, assists in the evaluation and assessment of a school’s educational programs and their effect on student achievement. 
The SLT's monthly meetings are subject to the Open Meetings law, and minutes are available for review through the ESMS Parent Coordinator. Chancellor’s Regulation A-655 (CR A-655) establishes guidelines to ensure the formation of effective SLTs.


Adults are eligible to run for the SLT as follows (with most SLT communications referring to these adults as 'Parent(s)'):

  • Parent to child(ren) currently attending ESMS
    • by birth or adoption
    • stepparent or foster parent
  • Legally appointed guardian
  • Person in parental relation


  • Notice of regularly-scheduled elections will be sent to the community with at least 30 days notice.
  • Three parents are elected to the SLT at the June PTA meeting, after the PTA Executive Board election; the fourth - a 6th grade parent - is elected in October. All serve a one year term that ends June 30. 
  • Nominations for SLT Parent members will be taken by the PTA Nominating Committee in May (for June) and from the floor at the October meeting.
  • Nominees need not be present to submit their names or to be nominated by another member
  • Proxy voting is not permitted; you must be present at the meeting to cast a vote.

Can I be on the School Leadership Team (SLT)?

• Parent member representatives shall be elected at the PTA in June or in the fall of the new school year.
• Notice of SLT vacancies and election information will appear in June and September PTA announcements
• Nominations for SLT Parent members will be taken in advance of the September General Membership meeting
• Nominations may be from the floor or in writing to the President or Co-Presidents and will be closed at the start of the September meeting
• Nominees need not be present to submit their names or to be nominated by another member