Eastside Middle School Parent Teacher Association

The PTA at East Side Middle School is an engaged network of parents & guardians working to support the administration, teachers and staff in providing one of the best middle school experiences in New York City. If you are a parent or guardian at ESMS, you are automatically a member of the PTA! The parent community elected the Board members below to represent you for this school year. We welcome your input, and we hope to see you at our monthly General PTA meetings. 

Our goal is to involve and engage every family at ESMS. We encourage you to attend events and to volunteer as your time allows. We hope you will donate what you can to Annual Fund - Click Here to Donate Now; the support of our generous ESMS community has allowed the PTA to ensure activity access to all students and to continually support many of the programs that create an excellent artistic, athletic, and globally-rich environment that supplements rigorous learning. 

In addition to maintaining the school website, the PTA communicates via a weekly newsletter, sent to all families and staff on Sunday evenings. If you are not receiving PTA emails, please let us know at Reach out any time if you would like to get involved, share a suggestion, or have any questions.  

PTA Meetings - 2024-2025

Schedule TBD

ESMS PTA Executive Board - 2024-2025

The EB meets monthly, and all are welcome to sit in and observe.


Tara Bronstein

Co-VPs of Fundraising

Alana Gartrell


Susie Gould


Di Johnston


Elizabeth Herzog

Co-VP of Compliance and Community Relations

Motoko Shoji


Bill Gould


Jenny Siklas


Kate Lawson

8th Grade Representatives

Amanda Alters

Co-VPs of Internal Affairs

Alina Denberg   Cecilia Darmandrail


Allison Zysman

  Joslin Paradise
Co-Recording Secretary

Jen Mendelson

 7th Grade Representatives

Lucia Corral


April Quinn


Zainab Shahid

VP of Technology

Paul Ashley


Jasmine Tay

VP of Communications


6th Grade Representatives











The SLT is a group of parents, teachers and administration that meets monthly to discuss school goals and community priorities. Monthly SLT meetings are open to all.

2024-2025 School Leadership Team Members

Elected Parents Elected Teachers Automatic Members

Michelle Liu-Watts

Robin Reiter








United Federation of Teachers (UFT) Representative

PTA (Co-)President