ESMS Parent Teacher Association FAQ
What does the PTA do? Why would I want to be on the PTA executive board?
• Provide support and resources to ESMS for the benefit and educational growth of the students
• Develop a cooperative working relationship between the parents and staff
• Develop parent leadership and build capacity for greater involvement, and foster and encourage parent participation on all levels
• Provide opportunities and training for parents to participate in school governance and decision-making
Who is a member of the PTA?
• Parents to children currently attending ESMS
o by birth or adoption
o stepparent or foster parent
• Legally appointed guardians
• Persons in parental relation
• Teachers currently employed at ESMS
• Guidance counselors currently employed at ESMS
When are elections for the PTA executive board?
• Elections for the next school year are held during the June PTA Meeting. Any additional spots will be filled in the September meeting.
Can I vote?
• Members of the ESMS PTA can vote
How do I vote?
• Each PTA member is entitled to one vote
• You must attend the PTA meeting to vote.
• Voting by proxy or absentee ballot is prohibited
Can I run for office?
• Parents (see definition above) of a child who attends ESMS can run for an office if:
o have not been prohibited by the Chancellor, the Chancellor’s designee, or the Chief Family Engagement Officer,
o are not excluded by the term limit provision present in the bylaws (see below: How long is the commitment?), and
o meet the criteria for membership (see above Who is a member of the PTA?).
• You must be nominated or self-nominated via e-mail detailing the name and position, submitting the form at the end of this document by e-mailing the nomination committee.
• A candidate does not need to be present at the election to run for office
• Campaigning materials in support of candidate(s) are not permitted and cannot be distributed or posted on school premises or on the school’s website, and would disqualify the candidate and make them ineligible for the position for one year.
What is the commitment?
• The term is from July 1st through June 30th
• The term limit is 2 consecutive 1-year terms
• In addition to the officer responsibilities, all officers of the Executive Board shall voluntarily participate as a member of at least one committee
How do I get nominated?
• You can nominate yourself
• You can nominate another member of the PTA
• All PTA members have an opportunity for nominating themselves. Details can be found in the election materials and by emailing the nomination committee.
• Nominations from the floor will officially close during the May meeting
• All eligible candidates and the officer positions they are seeking will be sent to the membership at least two (2) weeks prior to the June election meeting
What officers are on the PTA executive board?
• President or Co-Presidents (up to three), *
• Vice President of Community Relations and Compliance or Co-Vice Presidents of Community Relations and Compliance (up to two),
• Vice President of Technology or Co-Vice Presidents of Technology (up to two),
• Vice President of Communications or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications (up to three),
• Vice President of Internal Affairs or Co-Vice President of Internal Affairs (up to two),
• Vice President of Fundraising or Co-Vice President of Fundraising (up to two),
• Recording Secretary or Co-Recording Secretary (up to two), *
• Treasurer or Co-Treasurers (up to two), *
• Assistant Treasurer or Co-Assistant Treasurer (up to two), and
• 8th Grade Representatives per grade (two to three)
• 7th Grade Representatives per grade (two to three)
• 6th Grade Representatives per grade (two to three); nominated and elected in September
*These are mandatory core officers to have a functioning PTA.
How do I learn more about these offices?
• See below (What are the responsibilities for each officer?) for the descriptions of each officer and their responsibilities
• Talk to the current officer.
• Review the ESMS PTA bylaws at ESMS PTA Bylaws
What skills do I need? Can I get training?
• No prior experience is required
• Training is available for all officers
• Training is especially recommended for Vice President of Technology or Co-Vice Presidents of Technology
What are the main responsibilities for each officer?
President or Co-Presidents:
• Establish the yearly calendar for all PTA meetings (in consultation with the administration) and preside at all PTA meetings and an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee
• Provide leadership for the members
• Work closely with the Principals and Parent Coordinator to ensure communication between the administration and PTA members and to coordinate all events, activities and programs sponsored by the PTA
• Appoint chairpersons of PTA committees with the Executive Board’s approval.
• Delegate responsibilities to other PTA members and shall encourage meaningful participation in all PTA and school activities
• Attend all regular meetings of the District Presidents’ Council and shall be a core member of the School Leadership Team
Vice President of Community Relations and Compliance or Co-Vice Presidents of Community Relations and Compliance:
• Ensure that the Executive Board, in coordination with the administration, actively provides a welcoming, inclusive and supportive environment for the ESMS community through outreach and event planning and represent the PTA in all community-wide initiatives, informing the membership of these efforts
• Assist the President or Co-Presidents with all issues related to PTA governance and compliance, including guiding the membership through proper parliamentary and voting procedures as required in our bylaws and the Chancellor’s A-660 Regulations
• Advise and assist in updating the bylaws when necessary
Vice President of Technology or Co-Vice Presidents of Technology:
• Maintain the ESMS website, as requested by the school administration
• Ensure that the website’s content remains current and is informative through regular contact with the administration, the Executive Board, and PTA committees
• Updating the calendar content, home page events and news, and tabbed subpages on a regular basis
• Liaise with vendors of electronic services, the website’s platform, to ensure ESMS meets accessibility requirements
President of Communications or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications:
• Create the weekly communications to families, to promote upcoming school events and provide important announcements and reminders, as well as e-mails on behalf of the Parent Coordinator and the Executive Board regarding specific events
• Oversee the social media platforms, including the social media accounts
• Prepare and distribute all PTA mass emails, as well as prepare backpack flyers related to PTA business
Vice President of Internal Affairs or Co-Vice Presidents of Internal Affairs:
• Coordinate the advance set-up of all PTA meetings and will work with the Parent Coordinator and the school staff to arrange needed equipment and supplies
• Provide whatever supplies are necessary for meetings (i.e. parent/teacher conferences) and events (i.e. Curriculum Night) when required
• Responsible for the oversight, ordering and sales publicity related to school-branded merchandise
Recording Secretary or Co-Recording Secretaries:
• Record, disseminate, and maintain the official minutes of the monthly Executive Board and General PTA meetings
•Take attendance and read the minutes at the Executive Meeting and General Membership Meeting
• Sign and incorporate all amendments into the bylaws and ensure safe record keeping
Vice President of Fundraising or Co-Vice Presidents of Fundraising:
• Develop, oversee, and coordinate all fundraising efforts and event and identify potential partnerships and other revenue streams to support our PTA budget including sponsorships, donations, service provisions, or partnerships
• Chair at least one fundraising event each school year
• Work with the Vice President of Communications or Co-Vice Presidents of Communications to design and disseminate information about the fundraising events to the General Membership
• Provide updates of its fundraising activities to the Executive Board and the General Membership at the meetings
• As a designated member(s) of the Budget Committee, will work with the President or Co-Presidents and Treasurer or Co-Treasurers to set and achieve financial goal
Treasurer or Co-Treasurers:
• Responsible for all financial affairs and funds of the PTA and shall implement the financial procedures established in the PTA bylaws
• Responsible for maintaining an updated record of all PTA income and expenditures on school premises
• Provide an oral summary of the monthly financial report during all PTA meetings and shall present copies to the membership
• Prepare and provide the January 31st (Interim) and June (Annual) Financial Accounting Reports
• Make all accounting records available upon a member’s request, as well as for scheduled audits
• Preside over all Budget Committee meetings to review the status of the PTA’s goals and expenditures
• Lead the Budget Committee in establishing a budget for the following school year, to be ratified by the membership at the June General Membership meeting
Assistant Treasurer or Co–Assistant Treasurers:
• Supports the Treasurer or Co-Treasurers in administrative functions, including but not limited to: collecting invoices and bills from the PTA mailbox and overseeing approvals for payment; assisting the Treasurer or Co-Treasurers with the preparation of checks for payment; procuring the appropriate signatures on PTA checks; making bank deposits; tabulating and securing cash income from PTA events; reviewing receipts on all expense reports; and filing all documents, receipts, bank statements and other records associated with the PTA treasury
• Train their successor and assist with the transfer of all records to the incoming Assistant Treasurer or Co-Assistant Treasurers
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Representatives:
• Serve as liaisons between parents, administration and staff, and the PTA Executive Board
• One grade Representatives must attend all PTA Executive Board and General Membership meetings
• May organize outside school activities for their grade, with approval from the PTA Presidents or Co-Presidents