2024 - 25 Medical Information
School Nurse
212.360.0114 (select option 5)
ESMS and PS138 each have an assigned nurse; they work together to watch over all of the kids for the duration of the school day. Either may answer the phone, so when you call, please be sure to say which school your child attends.
Medical conditions such as seizures, diabetes, asthma and other chronic diseases requiring medication need to be reported to the nursing office. The corresponding Medical forms (MAF) in our files must be for the current school year; the links are below. A parent/guardian should submit the MAF and labeled medicine to school at the same time. When you come by, the nurse will be called to the lobby to meet you. If you are unsure about the MAF or other medical paperwork the school might need, please call the medical room in advance to discuss. Medications are to be picked up by the parent/guardian on/by the last day of school.
Please email immunization records any time there is an update: esms.immunizations@gmail.com
Medical Administration Forms:
NY State Immunization Requirements
Applicable for all, but incoming 6th grade families should please note #3 on p.2
Pediatrician Exam Form
Submit each year or after any new immunization to nurse@esmsnyc.net
General Medication Form
All students with a diagnosis such as asthma, allergies or diabetes should submit a Medication Administration Form (MAF) to the school nurse; a new MAF must be submitted each year. MAFs are linked above for general medication administration as well as meds for asthma, allergies, diabetes, and seizures. If your child requires medication to be administered at school, please call the school nurse at 212.360.0114 x5 to set up a time to bring in the signed MAF and any medication that is to be stored at school. (Meds/supplies for use during school days must be unexpired, unopened, and in the original bottle or box; everything should be labeled with the child’s name and birth date.of birth.)
Request for Provision of Medically Prescribed Treatment (non-medication)
504 Accommodations (handbook, eligibility, medical accommodations, 504 accommodations request form)